New products

  • Memorandum

    This module allows users to digitally sign memorandums through a public-facing page, ensuring ease of access and efficiency. Additionally, an updated section in the HRM (Human Resource Management) part of the user profile displays all relevant memorandums, promoting transparency and record-keeping.

    72.00 €
  • Import Fourn Price: Import and Prepare Supplier Price Updates and Apply Calculated Sales Prices

    This powerful module allows you to easily import files containing purchase prices and automatically apply their updates on the effective date.

    456.00 €

TOTP 2FA Login & Country Filter


Enable a second user authentication factor when logging into Dolibarr using the TOTP (Time-based One-Time-Password) standard with a 6-digit temporary code (30 seconds), compatible with Authy, Google Authenticator, Aegis for Android, etc., or receive it by email. You can also restrict login from a list of countries.

12.00 €

  • Author IMASDEWEB
  • Module version 2.11.0
  • Compatibility Dolibarr V7 - V20
  • Release date 02/03/2022
  • Last update 01/13/2025 11:56 PM
  • How to contact support

More info

Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Sergi Rodrigues (IMASDEWEB) / GPL3
User interface language: English / Catalan / Spanish / German / French

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto

Module features: (User guide)

  • It show on usual Dolibarr login page a third text input control to put a TOTP 6-digit code.
  • This 3rd control must be populated by users which have enabled this Two Factor (2FA) system.
  • So it is a 6-digit code optional: some users can have it enabled but others not.
  • Only is possible to enable the 2FA by the same user. Admin users cannot do it.
  • Admin users (or users with assigned permissions over other users) can ONLY know which other users has enabled the 2FA and disable it.
  • The only one who can see the TOTP secret key is the corresponding user.
  • The module always show to the user its secret key and the QR code to be scanned by a mobile app.
  • When activating 2FA for your user you can set manually your secret TOTP key, specially useful to administer several Dolibarr instances.
  • You can let the administrators users to SEE and/or ACTIVATE the 2FA seed for other users, or not.
  • You can to set it to be MANDATORY to activate 2FA for ALL users, and you can define a grace period of X days after create a new user, and also can set a deadline to ALLOW ACCESS for users without 2FA enabled.
  • Furthermore, you can allow access outside the grace period, as long as the user has defined a valid email address, where they will receive a random 6-digit code each time they want to access.

Bonus features:

  • [version 1.4] Defining a white list of countries, you can restrict the login to visitors with IPs belonging to them (you need have enabled mod_geoip in PHP).
  • [version 1.5] You can set a period of time (1 day/week/month or never) to remember a logged device as safe.
  • [version 1.7] You can enable the possibility of request an email with the 6-digit code from login page.
  • [version 2.0] You can upload a free IP-country-geolocation database from MaxMind to be able to apply "country filtering" independent of your server configuration.
  • [version 2.4] You can configure the CAPTCHA image size, of the Dolibarr native captcha. To some people the default image size is too much tiny.
  • [version 2.5] Blurred the QR and 2FA seed on the user card, to avoid be seen by accident in a screencast or by a curious work neighbour.

How to install:

  1. Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site
  2. Create the directory: /htdocs/totp2fa into the root of Dolibarr.
    Alternative: /htdocs/custom/totp2fa
  3. Put the content of the ZIP file into that directory
  4. On your Dolibarr panel enable the module: Setup -> Modules
  5. Upload a MaxMind free database through module settings to be able to apply Country filter.

How to update your installed module:

  1. Replace the content of the module's directory on your server by the new version files on the ZIP file.
  2. Got to Setup > Modules on Dolibarr and Disable module and Enable again.
  3. Visit the settings of the module ("gear" icon) and check the settings (usually there are new ones).
  4. At least make ONE SUBMIT of this settings form (then the database will take at least default values for new settings).

How to temporally disable module if you have problems to LOGIN:

  1. Rename the directory containing the module (for example through FTP). It's enough to add a dash (ie. "totp2fa" to "_totp2fa")
  2. Then you will be able to login without interference from the module

List of my modules for sale:

  1. AI Assistants
    (All your users can use generative AI at minimal cost)
  2. Ticket Plus & HelpDesk
    (Provides a user-friendly public portal for mobile phones)
  3. Yearly Invoices Statistics
    (FREE - Customer and Supplier Invoices Annual Statistics Graphs)
  4. Search for help in forums
    (FREE - Facilitates searching in Dolibarr community forums)
  5. TOTP 2FA Login
    (Two-factor authentication for login)
  6. Solarized Theme
    (Solarized Dark & Light Theme, based on Eldy official theme)
  7. Dark Theme
    (Dark Theme, based on Eldy official theme)
  8. Stock transfers
    (make easier to move stock between your warehouses)
  9. Purchases
    (make easier to compare prices from suppliers and make purchase orders)