Nuovi Prodotti

  • Dashbord

    Take full control of your business with our Advanced Statistics module, offering statistics available by day, month, year, or any custom period of your choice!

    144,00 €
  • Modulo Prodotti Consegnati - Venduti per Dolibarr

    Il modulo Prodotti Consegnati - Venduti consente il monitoraggio dettagliato dei prodotti ricevuti, consegnati e venduti in Dolibarr. Fornisce una visione chiara dei movimenti di magazzino e aiuta a ottimizzare la gestione dei prodotti in base alle vendite e alle forniture.

    120,00 €

myDiscount - Calcul de remise globale simplifié


Simplifie le calcul des remises globale au niveau des pièces de dolibarr (propal, commande, facture) en répartissant la remise globale (en %, TTC ou HT) en remise sur les lignes détaillées

30,00 €

  • Autore Charlene BENKE
  • Versione modulo 1.8.0
  • Rilascio data 25/02/2019
  • Access to updates and downloads 1000 giorni
  • Come contattare l'assistenza Page de support
  • Compatibilità DolibarrV16 - V20   -   PHP7 - 8
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 16/02/2025 09.12

Maggiori informazioni

Our modules
Our services
Our user guides
Version : auto - show the ChangeLog.
On sale since 2019
Number of versions released 9
Editor/ Licence : PATAS-MONKEY / GPL v3
We have been developing modules for Dolibarr since 2012
  • Dolibarr recommended version* : min : auto - max : auto
  • PHP recommended version : min : 7 - max : 8
* Note : Our modules are optimized for the last 3 major stable versions of Dolibarr (17.0.x, 18.0.x and 19.0.x). Their functionalities may therefore be limited if used on older versions.



French French - English English - Italian Italian - German German 

Resources :

Support :

Contact Form (FR / EN )


Installation :
  • Download the module archive file (.zip) from the website,
  • Extract this folder in your dolibarr /htdocs/custom directory,
  • The module can then be activated (), set up () from the modules setting page and run.

More information (activating /custom directory, CoreChange , compatibility limits...) downloading the user guide (FR / EN ).

  • Availability:
    Our modules incorporate a feature that allows you to quickly identify if your environment runs their latest version and the features it includes.
    Learn more...
  • Procedure :
    Access to the updates of our modules is free for 1000 days from their date of purchase on the Dolistore.
    Before updating, make sure that the module is officially compatible with the Dolibarr version on which you want to install it.
    Learn more...

You may also be interested in other modules:

extraprice This module allows you to define a calculation rule for determining the unit sales price (for example by taking additional parameters - extrafields), this premium version adds the settings of personalized values by categories (customer and product)
moreactionlist This module allows you to define a forecast and monitor your objectives from Dolibarr. Once the forecast has been defined, it is possible to follow its progress using graphs.
supplierpricr This module allows you to create/update a supplier's purchase prices from the response to a quote request, an order or a supplier invoice.
myclock A small clock always visible in Dolibarr to keep an eye on your main boxes and the actions of the day (interventions, tasks, commercial actions) Customizable according to your tastes and needs by the presence of plugin integrates a “breadcrumb”/Breadcrump of the last elements viewed, a Pomodoro function and a calculator

Est-ce nécessaire de connaitre le nombre de vente ou de personnes ayant décidé d'en demander le remboursement après l'avoir testé ?
Soutenez le travail des éditeurs de modules ici : Evolutions Dolistore - Votre avis