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dolipdf make a connection to an external conversion webservice who transform your odt files to pdf
The ‘List Export/Import V2’ module for Dolibarr simplifies data export and import by allowing you to download or load lists in different formats (CSV, PDF, PNG, SQL). Easy to use, it improves your data management and optimises your processes.
The ‘Multi-company interaction’ module enables the creation and management of cross-referenced documents between the different entities of a Dolibarr Multi-company instance. It facilitates the automation of processes and improves the synchronisation of information between entities, thereby increasing the efficiency and consistency of inter-company operations.
Time management to limit user access to the system at a specific time. Record shifts, schedules and holidays
Our User Experience (UI/UX) module optimizes your Dolibarr experience by making navigation smoother and more intuitive using features such as fixing tabs, titles and totals. Practical but also customizable, our module will improve your daily use of Dolibarr by simplifying access to all your essential information.
obapi is designed to make easy exchanges between business software like dolibarr. First version of obapi make possible to exchange invoices between dolibarr. Next step are for other parts of business objects.
This module adds a button to duplicate positions (lines) in following objects: - Client Propsal - Client Order - Client Invoice - Supplier Proposal - Supplier Order - Supplier Invoice
ClientGuard è una potente soluzione per Dolibarr che aiuta a gestire efficacemente le restrizioni sui conti clienti. Automatizza le condizioni di pagamento, traccia lo stato dei contratti, impone limiti finanziari e garantisce che proposte, ordini e fatture rispettino le regole aziendali. Le autorizzazioni completamente personalizzabili consentono un controllo fluido dell'accesso degli utenti.
This module allows you to perform a massive update of cost prices, selling prices (with and without taxes), and set a margin to calculate prices. Additionally, if a shipping cost is available, it can be added to the total cost price. You can also search products by name or categories.
Aggiungi 3 grafici a barre nella sezione Statistiche delle fatture clienti e fornitori, con numeri ANNUALI nelle seguenti metriche: numero di fatture, somma degli importi e importo medio. IMASDEWEB. 99% FREE.
This module restricts user access based on predefined working hours. Administrators can configure specific working days and hours during which users are allowed to log in. Outside of these hours, login attempts are blocked, ensuring users can only access the system during designated times. This enhances security and ensures compliance with company policies regarding working hours.