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Contact/Exchange tracking V3


The ‘Contact/Exchange Tracking V3’ module is designed to optimise the management of interactions between your company and third parties (prospects, customers, suppliers, etc.). Version 3 introduces a number of major improvements to make it easier to use, strengthen collaboration between your teams and enhance interaction tracking.

240,00 €

  • Versione modulo 3.2.4
  • Rilascio data 10/12/2024
  • Access to updates and downloads 365 giorni

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Contact/Exchange Tracking V3

➦ Editor : Inovea Conseil
➦ Version : auto
➦ Compatibility : Dolibarr auto - auto
➦ Languages : FR EN

Module description

The main objective of the ‘Contact/Exchange Tracking V3’ module is to offer a complete and intuitive solution for :

  • Centralise interactions: Record and easily retrieve the history of exchanges with your third parties to ensure continuous, high-quality monitoring.
  • Improve internal collaboration: Facilitate communication between employees thanks to automated notifications and assignable tasks.
  • Strengthen the accuracy of follow-ups: Ensure that each exchange is correctly linked to a third party and, where applicable, to associated contacts, while allowing you to define statuses and reminders for each interaction.


✨ What's new in version 3 ✨


  • Quick creation of third parties and contacts

Simplified addition of a new third party using a drop-down form. If a new third party is added, the associated fields update automatically.
The contact can now be created directly from the form.
Several contacts can be added to the exchange.


  • Employee notifications

Send emails to the relevant employees to share information about an exchange.


  • Adding and managing statuses

Each exchange can now be directly associated with a status (default: ‘Closed’).


  • Creating tasks and events

It is now possible to add a task or an event directly from the exchange form. These two elements can be recorded simultaneously.


  • Mandatory validation of the third party

An error message is displayed if no third party is entered when an exchange is created. This constraint guarantees consistent and complete data management.


  • Enhanced history

Exchanges are now automatically linked to all the contacts selected at the time of entry, enabling more accurate tracking.


  • Update from the exchange form

Status and other key information can be modified directly from the exchange record.





Purchase includes :

  • User guide
  • Access to 6 month updates
  • Corrective maintenance in the event of a proven malfunction

Purchase does not includes :

Support & Assistance Inovea Conseil

If you notice a malfunction of the module, access the support link below with all the information necessary to process your request :

  • Module version and Dolibarr version ?
  • Detailed problem encountered: when does it occur ?
  • How to reproduce it ? (with screenshot)

Remember to read the user documentation before sending us a request ! You may find your answer there.

  • Inovea-Conseil-Support-ERP-DOLIBARR

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