
  • Medical Center

    Module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67,20 €

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    Il modulo Prodotti Consegnati - Venduti consente il monitoraggio dettagliato dei prodotti ricevuti, consegnati e venduti in Dolibarr. Fornisce una visione chiara dei movimenti di magazzino e aiuta a ottimizzare la gestione dei prodotti in base alle vendite e alle forniture.

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Automatic notes V3


The “Automatic Notes V3” module automatically adds predefined notes to your sales documents, making it easier to communicate information with your customers or suppliers.

36,00 €

  • Versione modulo 3.0.1
  • Rilascio data 18/12/2024
  • Access to updates and downloads 365 giorni

Maggiori informazioni


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Automatic notes V3

➦ Editor : Inovea Conseil
➦ Version : auto
➦ Compatibility : Dolibarr auto - auto
➦ Languages : FR EN

Module description

The “Automatic Notes V3” module enhances your Dolibarr ERP by automating the addition of standardized notes to your commercial documents such as quotations, invoices, orders, etc. This feature ensures uniform, professional communication with your customers, by systematically integrating essential information or specific legal notices. Customize your notes according to your needs, and save time by eliminating repetitive manual additions.


  • You will find attached the module documentation
  • Documentation (FR )


Purchase includes :

  • User guide
  • Access to 6 month updates
  • Corrective maintenance in the event of a proven malfunction

Purchase does not includes :

Support & Assistance Inovea Conseil

If you notice a malfunction of the module, access the support link below with all the information necessary to process your request :

  • Module version and Dolibarr version ?
  • Detailed problem encountered: when does it occur ?
  • How to reproduce it ? (with screenshot)

Remember to read the user documentation before sending us a request ! You may find your answer there.

  • Inovea-Conseil-Support-ERP-DOLIBARR

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