
  • Medical Center

    DoliMed is a module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67.20 €

New products

  • Sent Email Tracking

    The Sent Email Tracking module in Dolibarr allows users to track in real-time the status of emails sent to their clients or partners directly from the system.

    114.00 €
  • Sales statistics and stock coverage

    This module allows you to display the list of products with the number of sales over a specific period, stock coverage and physical stock. The list can be filtered by supplier.

    120.00 €
System tools

System tools

System tools There are 60 products.

products per page
1-12 / 60 items
  • New
    V6 - V21
    114.00 €
    Sent Email Tracking

    The Sent Email Tracking module in Dolibarr allows users to track in real-time the status of emails sent to their clients or partners directly from the system.

    114.00 €
  • New
    V14 - V21
    6.00 €

    dolipdf make a connection to an external conversion webservice who transform your odt files to pdf

    6.00 €
  • 14 - 20
    180.00 €

    obapi is designed to make easy exchanges between business software like dolibarr. First version of obapi make possible to exchange invoices between dolibarr. Next step are for other parts of business objects.

    180.00 €
  • V14 - V21
    14.40 €
    Fast backup tools

    Backs up the database (MySql only) and places it in a ZIP file with all the documents. It creates a second zip file with the custom folder. A scheduled task (cron) is available to run the backup on a daily basis. All documents can be retrieved from the module administration or via FTP (for example) in the documents/toolszipdata/backup folder.

    14.40 €
  • 18 - 20
    60.00 €
    BackMyModules : backup add-ons modules

    BackMyModules allows to create a zip archive of all modules present in /custom/ directory and to download it. You can also delete disabled modules.

    60.00 €
  • V13 - V19
    18.00 €

    Set clock in the left menu. Now with more custom functions

    18.00 €
  • 14 - 20
    180.00 €
    DoliClone - clone your dolibarr

    Easy sync your dolibarr prod with a preprod one to make tests with all your data but in a sandbox (all config for mail and others modules are disabled).

    180.00 €
  • V14 - V20
    288.00 €
    SmartInterventions - Use your Smartphone in interventions

    With Smartinterventions your technicians equipped with a smartphone can take 5 photos of their intervention and dictate the report directly on site. No more paper sheet, no more time lost, everything is directly associated with the intervention that you will have opened beforehand in Dolibarr.

    288.00 €
  • 14 - 20

    ScanConnect is common plugin for all Scan* dolibarr plugins like ScanInvoices, ScanPay, ScanBank and others

  • 14 - 20
    150.00 €

    Allows to link your Nextcloud account to Dolibarr.

    150.00 €
  • V14 - V16

    This module allows you to automate the creation of an install.lock file in the documents folder at the root and to assign the correct permissions to the conf.php file

  • 11 - 16
    144.00 €
    Multiple Databases 16

    Allow your Dolibarr installation to use multiple databases. The same Dolibarr files and its modules will be available to various companies. Each one completely independent. Very useful if you have several companies or customers.

    144.00 €
1-12 / 60 items