
  • Medical Center

    Module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67,20 €  (-20%)

Nuovi Prodotti

  • Sales statistics and stock coverage

    This module allows you to display the list of products with the number of sales over a specific period, stock coverage and physical stock. The list can be filtered by supplier.

    120,00 €
  • Dashbord

    Take full control of your business with our Advanced Statistics module, offering statistics available by day, month, year, or any custom period of your choice!

    144,00 €

Questo è il marketplace ufficiale dove trovare moduli e plugin per Dolibarr ERP/CRM.

  • Se sei un utente Dolibarr:

Puoi cercare funzionalità aggiuntive e trovare vari moduli o estensioni. Sfoglia le categorie o usa il modulo di ricerca in alto per trovare il plugin adatto alle tue necessità...

Molti modulsono gratuiti, altri sono a pagamento (I soci della Dolibarr Foundation hanno diritto ad uno sconto del 20% facendo richiesta all'associazione dopo aver creato il proprio account DoliStore. Per ricevere lo sconto del 20% bisogna attendere l'approvazione della richiesta prima di effettuare gli acquisti)

  • Se sei uno sviluppatore:

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  • 16 - 20
    252,00 €
    Legal Notice

    Add automatically a legal notice on your customer invoices, and define in advance the criteria of application.

    252,00 €
    Di Più
  • 14 - 20
    94,80 €
    Oblyon Theme

    The Oblyon theme features a modern, user-friendly design. Directly inspired by a flat design trend, Oblyon guarantees accessible and efficient navigation. With reorganized menus and a static navigation bar with drop-down menus, navigating from one page to the next has never been easier.

    94,80 €
    Di Più
  • V18 - V20
    63,60 €
    Discount Price

    Discount Price allows the automatic planning and application of promotions in value or percentage on product prices in business documents lines

    63,60 €
    Di Più
  • 16 - 20
    156,00 €
    Full calendar V2

    This module brings ergonomics to your agenda and makes it more intuitive: cutting time, modification of an event via a pop-up window and moving with drag and drop.

    156,00 €
    Di Più
  • V10 - V20
    84,00 €

    This module allows you to drag and drop your files immediately to the Attached files tab of each Dolibarr objects (Products or Services, Projects, Orders, Invoices, etc.)

    84,00 €
    Di Più
  • 16 - 20
    144,00 €
    Stick it

    No more paper notes fly and lose on the desks! This module allows you to display a note on a sheet, a customer form, invoice, etc ... You can choose the status of this note: private, public (shared notes for the relevant sheet) or shared (shared notes for all of the same type sheets).

    144,00 €
    Di Più
  • 7 - 20
    96,00 €
    2labels STS

    Managing the printing of bar code labels generated in the chip product. Primarily this module enabling it to print bar code labels of the desired products by providing a number of ways, the selection of these products.

    96,00 €
    Di Più
  • 10 - 20
    39,90 €
    MBI Avis Client

    MBI Avis Client module allows you to ask your customers for a review by email with your links (Google, Facebook, Trustpilot...) after sending an invoice. A popup is displayed after clicking on "Send mail" on the invoice page and allows you to choose whether or not to send the request.

    39,90 €
    Di Più
  • 4 - 20
    180,00 €
    Quotation formatting

    • The dolibarr module "Quotation formatting" allows you to quickly and easily customize your quotes. • This module does not have multiple complex options to configure, it focuses on customizing the product title and associated description.

    180,00 €
    Di Più
  • V12 - V20
    66,00 €
    TakePOS Customer Display

    Capture the attention of your client, sell more while they pay you. Customer Display allows you to take an additional look at what you offer to your customers. Show the customer what he buys, the quantities, discounts and prices, set up advertising for your business, generate trust and interest.

    66,00 €
    Di Più
  • 10 - 20
    70,80 €

    Find the information of your customer orders on your supplier order lines.

    70,80 €
    Di Più
  • 4 - 20
    31,65 €

    User guide of the passage of application Synology Dolibarrand Dolibarr Premium towards a migration on DSM 7.0

    31,65 €
    Di Più