New products

  • More lines infos : Suivre le traitement des lignes d'un document

    The **More Lines Infos** module simplifies document management in Dolibarr by adding practical tools to organize and track the processing of document lines. It also provides relevant information on the lines to save you time.

    18.00 €
  • Dashbord

    Take full control of your business with our Advanced Statistics module, offering statistics available by day, month, year, or any custom period of your choice!

    144.00 €

This web site is the official market place to find addons and plugins for the Dolibarr ERP CRM project.

  • If you are a Dolibarr user:

You can search for additional features and find different modules or extensions. Browse the categories to find your extension or use the search form at the top of the page ...

Some extensions/modules are free, some are paid (Members of the Dolibarr foundation benefits a 20% discount if the request is made to the association once account has been created on DoliStore. Buying product must be done after the request has been processed to see the 20% discounts on all prices)

  • If you are a developer :

You can submit your own modules, you choose the price (free is better). For this, just create an account and submit your module from left menu.

  • V18 - V20
    47.88 €

    Company Infos set visible private notes and categories of thirdparties in the banner of their quotes, orders, invoices, contracts and tickets.

    47.88 €
  • 10 - 20
    Librairies Prune pour modules Net Logic 10.0.0 - 20.0.0

    Collection of librairies for Net Logic modules

  • 18 - 20
    Pre-Opportunity Module

    Sales team will not like to clutter their list of Customer & Prospects with this list or dump of suspects, hence they prefer to keep the list of suspects separately. To resolve this practical challenge faced by Sales team we have come up with this Pre-Opportunity module.

  • V16 - V21
    144.00 €
    Products labels

    Generate your products labels and print them in as many as needed.

    144.00 €
  • 12 - 20
    252.00 €
    Import variant

    Import products with variants. The module also allows categories to be imported from the same import file.

    252.00 €
  • V6 - V21
    396.00 €

    This module enables multi-company to handle multiple entities on a single installation Dolibarr. The sharing of the base product, customer base/contacts and user base and more...

    396.00 €
  • 9 - 20
    70.80 €
    Shippable order line

    Manage your order priorities more easily by displaying all the lines of your sales orders to be shipped. The module also offers you the possibility of filtering by displaying only the remainders.

    70.80 €
  • V16 - V21
    30.00 €
    Advanced Discounts

    Manage discounts according to advanced rules (country, customer categories, presence of products, amount reached...). Discounts are absolute or relative.

    30.00 €
  • 6 - 20
    120.00 €
    Vehicles Plus: machines and trucks of a company

    This module allows us to manage the Vehicles of a company namely: Add Vehicles Insurance Management Disk Management Registration Card Management Fire Extinguisher Control Management Circulation Permit Weight Tax Management Technical Inspection Management Vignette Management Circulation Sheet Management of Notifications & Deadlines Module Settings.

    120.00 €
  • 16 - 20
    144.00 €
    Stick it

    No more paper notes fly and lose on the desks! This module allows you to display a note on a sheet, a customer form, invoice, etc ... You can choose the status of this note: private, public (shared notes for the relevant sheet) or shared (shared notes for all of the same type sheets).

    144.00 €
  • V14 - V20
    300.00 €
    Archive the labels of consumer deadlines

    Archiving DLC labels are a big problem with food products: labels are often soiled by blood or cannot be removed from packaging without altering them. Then archive them occupies a lot of space and waste time.

    300.00 €
  • 16 - 20
    252.00 €
    Free to product

    Quickly add a product or service in your catalog from a proposal is now possible with the Free to product module !

    252.00 €