Keine Produkte
Preise können je nach Land unterschiedlich sein.
Print your TakePOS orders with only the necessary lines and units, add comments for each product and generate a receipt with the necessary information: ✓ Serving user, ✓ Place or Table to which the order belongs, ✓ Date and Time, ✓ Additional comments or notes per article ✓ Just simple!
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: CodLines Developer / GPL-v3
User interface language: English, Spanish, French
Help/Support: Mail to [email protected]
Install (For Dolibarr v9+):
Install (For Dolibarr v8-):
Print your TakePOS orders with only the necessary lines and units, add comments for each product and generate a receipt with the necessary information:
✓ Serving user,
✓ Place or Table to which the order belongs,
✓ Date and Time,
✓ Additional comments or notes per article
✓ Just simple!
Do you need to customize the module or create a new one? contact us [email protected]