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dolipdf make a connection to an external conversion webservice who transform your odt files to pdf
PrestaSync, the E-commerce Connector Between Dolibarr & Prestashop PrestaSync is a synchronization module between Prestashop and Dolibarr, designed to simplify the management of products, orders, customers, and inventory across these two platforms.
PrepaCom Module - Order Picking Extension for Dolibarr This module acts as a connector between your Dolibarr instance and the Dolimob SaaS order picking application. It provides the necessary API endpoints and picking status tracking, enabling seamless integration with Dolimob's mobile picking features.
The labeling module makes it possible to create configurable labels with barcode by unit for products and equipment, warehouses and customers for labelers by unit connected to a PC through wired or wireless communication but also for bluetooth labellers connectable to or integrated into a phone or PDA such as the Sunmi PDA.
• The dolibarr module "Quotation formatting" allows you to quickly and easily customize your quotes. • This module does not have multiple complex options to configure, it focuses on customizing the product title and associated description.
BypassInvoice ermöglicht die Delegierung der Verwaltung und Nummerierung von PrestaShop-Rechnungen an Dolibarr, vereinfacht die Rechnungsstellung und die Datensynchronisation und bietet eine effiziente Lösung für Händler, die ihre Buchhaltungsprozesse optimieren und ihren Kunden ein besseres Erlebnis bieten möchten.
Print your TakePOS orders with only the necessary lines and units, add comments for each product and generate a receipt with the necessary information: ✓ Serving user, ✓ Place or Table to which the order belongs, ✓ Date and Time, ✓ Additional comments or notes per article ✓ Just simple!
Functionality that allows you to give points as a bonus to customers for their purchases at your business, compatible with TakePOS
Hauptfunktion: Die Suche in den Foren der Dolibarr-Community (im französischen, englischen und deutschen Forum) über das interne Suchfeld von Dolibarr zu erleichtern. IMASDEWEB. 99% FREE.
electronic Proof Of Delivery is a big problem for dolibarr companies. SmartLivraison is a tool used by your delivery man from their smartphone to collect the proof of electronic delivery.
BarcodeReader est l'outil ultime pour simplifier la gestion des codes-barres dans l'ERP Dolibarr. Notre application Android utilise la caméra de votre téléphone pour un balayage rapide et précis des codes-barres, optimisant ainsi l'efficacité de votre processus de gestion des stocks.
Connect Dolibarr to Ringover's VoIP (Internet) telephony tool in just 1 click, and find all your telephony in your Dolibarr: create a new Third Party from a call, track call volumes, statistics, .... This module enables you to gain in productivity and simplify your call management, thanks to the synchronization of your Ringover telephony software and your Dolibarr management tool.