Benutzeroberflächen Tools

Module um das Verhalten der Benutzeroberfläche zu ändern. Neue Design-Vorlagen finden eher die Kategorie „Layout-Vorlagen“

Benutzeroberflächen Tools Es gibt 163 Produkte.

products per page
1-12 / 163 items
  • Neu
    V20 - V21
    18,00 €
    More Lines Infos: Verfolgen Sie die Bearbeitung der Zeilen eines Dokuments

    Das Modul More Lines Infos vereinfacht die Verwaltung von Dokumenten in Dolibarr, indem es praktische Tools hinzufügt, um die Organisation und Nachverfolgung der Bearbeitung von Dokumentzeilen zu erleichtern. Es fügt zudem relevante Informationen zu den Zeilen hinzu, um Ihnen Zeit zu sparen.

    18,00 €
  • 18 - 20
    96,00 €
    Procedure Reminder

    The ‘Procedure reminder’ module enables you to display your procedures when actions are confirmed via a pop-up window (validation of quotations, creation of invoices, etc.). These reminders are designed to guide employees through the processes defined by the company.

    96,00 €
  • 18 - 21
    36,00 €
    User Experience (UI/UX)

    Our User Experience (UI/UX) module optimizes your Dolibarr experience by making navigation smoother and more intuitive using features such as fixing tabs, titles and totals. Practical but also customizable, our module will improve your daily use of Dolibarr by simplifying access to all your essential information.

    36,00 €
  • V20 - V21
    12,00 €
    Conversion view

    Enhance Your Sales Management in Dolibarr! Looking to optimize your quote tracking and gain better insights into your sales performance? ConvertionView, the newest module for Dolibarr, is here to make your life easier!

    12,00 €
  • 14 - 20
    120,00 €
    Clonepos - Duplizieren von Positionen (Zeilen) in Objekten

    Dieser Modul fügt Schaltflächen zum Duplizieren von Positionen (Zeilen) in folgenden Objekten hinzu: - Kundenangebot - Kundenauftrag - Kundenrechnung - Lieferanten Angebot - Lieferanten Bestellung - Lieferanten Rechnung

    120,00 €
  • 11 - 20
    60,00 €
    Capping Proposals, Orders, and Invoices

    Module to limit invoices, orders, or proposals by amount

    60,00 €
  • 19 - 20
    300,00 €
    Ultimateimmo 20.0.0

    Real estate management module.

    300,00 €
  • 18 - 18
    330,00 €

    Condilogix is a packaging management module that simplifies order processing and stock management for businesses that sell by the carton. It allows you to enter quantities in units or cartons, automatically rounding up to the nearest carton when necessary, while keeping precise unit-level inventory tracking without needing different ENA13 codes for logistical variants.

    330,00 €
  • 19 - 20
    180,00 €
    Milestone/jalon 20.0

    Ce module permet d'associer/grouper des produits/services à un jalons et d'afficher le sous total. Il est possible d'ajouter des lignes de commentaires sans détails (tva, prix, etc..), ainsi que de forcer des sauts de pages, dans les propositions commerciales, commandes clients et factures clients.

    180,00 €
  • 16 - 19
    144,00 €
    Billing panel

    This module is a plugin to create invoices from an order. After creating an order you can create an invoice, add the total payment and classify the order as invoiced with a single click. In addition, we have invoice lists, credit notes, pending payments and complementary functions from other GoSource modules. This module works perfectly with the Fast Sales module, also from GoSource.

    144,00 €
  • 16 - 19
    144,00 €

    This module allows you to create orders and proformas quickly. You can configure the default payment method and payment condition and you can also edit an order directly from the panel.

    144,00 €
  • 16 - 19
    58,80 €
    Dropcontact Contact Enhancer

    Allows searching for company contact information using the Dropcontact API.

    58,80 €
1-12 / 163 items