
  • Medical Center

    DoliMed is a module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    84.00 €

New products

  • PrepaCom

    PrepaCom Module - Order Picking Extension for Dolibarr This module acts as a connector between your Dolibarr instance and the Dolimob SaaS order picking application. It provides the necessary API endpoints and picking status tracking, enabling seamless integration with Dolimob's mobile picking features.

    115.20 €
  • Memorandum

    This module allows users to digitally sign memorandums through a public-facing page, ensuring ease of access and efficiency. Additionally, an updated section in the HRM (Human Resource Management) part of the user profile displays all relevant memorandums, promoting transparency and record-keeping.

    72.00 €

Stock Adjustment


Este módulo te permite crear ajustes de inventario seleccionando una fecha y un almacén. Puedes agregar líneas de productos para aumentar o disminuir los niveles de stock de cada producto. El módulo también permite retroceder la fecha, lo que te permite ajustar el inventario en una fecha anterior si es necesario.

120.00 €

  • Author Jorge Maximiliano Adrianzen Bautista
  • Module version 1.3
  • Compatibility Dolibarr V16 - V21
  • Release date 09/03/2024
  • Last update 01/12/2025 07:00 PM
  • How to contact support

More info

Module version: 1.3
Publisher/Licence: Jorge Maximiliano Adrianzen Bautista / GPL-v3
User interface language: English, French, Spanish
Help/Support: Yes /

  • Dolibarr min version: 16
  • Dolibarr max version: 19

Install (For Dolibarr v9+):

  • Go into menu Home - Setup - Modules - Deploy an external module and submit the zip file
  • Module or skin is then available and can be activated.

This module allows you to create stock adjustments by selecting a date and warehouse. You can add product lines to increase or decrease stock levels for each product. The module also supports backdating, enabling you to adjust stock for a previous date if necessary.