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Import serial numbers


The "Import serial numbers" module allows you to import all serial numbers or batches in an order receipt. Simply enter the serial numbers in your Excel file to import them into your order. The module will place each serial or lot number in the corresponding receipt.

96.00 €

  • Author Next Gestion
  • Module version 1.1
  • Release date 06/04/2023
  • Compatibility Dolibarr6.0.0 - 17.0.*
  • Last update 01/02/2025 04:49 PM

More info

  • Editeur: NextGestion
  • Version du module: 1.1
  • Compatibilité: Dolibarr 6.0.0 - 17.0.*
Description & Fonctionnalités

Import serial numbers

The "Import serial numbers" module allows you to import all serial numbers or batches in an order receipt. Simply enter the serial numbers in your Excel file to import them into your order. The module will place each serial or lot number in the corresponding receipt.




If you order our module you benefit from:
- free installation and configuration assistance
- free help in case of bug or module malfunction
- the addition of new functionalities or options specifically adapted to your needs.

    1. Télécharger le fichier archive (.zip) sur
    2. Dézipper l'archive dans le répertoire /htdocs/custom de dolibarr.
    3. Le module peut alors être activé (), paramétré () si besoin depuis la page de configuration des modules et enfin utilisé.
Démonstration Mises à jour et disponibilité Les mises à jour correctives du module seront publiées sur le dolistore.
Support We are available for any questions.
If you have a problem with the operation of the module, please give us detailed information so that we can understand and reproduce the behavior.
Email: [email protected] 
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