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Datev Unternehmen Online import of Dolibarr invoices: Import invoices into Datev (Datev Unternehmen Online and Arbeitsplatz). The invoices are exported as PDF + XML files and saved in ZIP files. These files can then be imported into Datev Unternehmen Online or in Datev Arbeitsplatz using the Datev Receipt Transfer tool (free download from Datev).
Publisher/Licence: Basix IT GmbH / GPL-v3
User interface language: german
Hilfe/Support: Forum Dolibarr Basix / Mail to [email protected]
In addition, the activation of the DSM/ERC module is required.
With this module invoice data can be exported as XML files. The XML files are saved in a ZIP file and can then be imported into Datev using Datev document transfer.
Datev Export of customer and supplier invoices.
The respective export can be reached via the new link "Datev Export" in the menus "Customer Invoices" and "Supplier Invoices".
On the two export pages, the date of the (last) export is listed for each exported invoice.
The exported files can be downloaded immediately or subsequently under "Documents" in the "Datev Export" directory.
The following formats are supported:
Install (for Dolibarr v18+):
You cannot find a suitable module for your business processes in the DoliStore? Are you interested in your own Dolibarr system or would you like to outsource your existing Dolibarr? Contact us for more information at [email protected] or by phone +49-40-3990-2030.
Note: The module has so far only been tested with the specified version of Dolibarr. In other versions the module may work, but it is not guaranteed. If you have any questions or comments about compatibility with other Dolibarr versions, please contact us at [email protected] /
Dolibarr Modul - Rechnungsdaten als XML Dateien für Datev exportieren
(The video is in german, we are sorry for the inconvinience)
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