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Customer Portal


A portal for your customers in which they can retrieve their payments, orders and invoices.

132.00 €

  • Author Abdelali BENZAKOUR
  • Module version 1.16
  • Release date 06/12/2020
  • Compatibility Dolibarr5.0.x - 16.0.x
  • Last update 01/02/2025 04:59 PM

More info


Warning: This seems to not be a Dolibarr module but a standalone web application. You need a web server to host it.


Dolibarr Customer Portal enables Dolibarr owners to add a customer portal in their website with Dolibarr as the backend and a laravel website as the front-end interface. With this portal, your customers can log into their accounts and consult invoices, orders, contracts or complaint cases for you to address them.

The case module of your CRM system enables you to make available all your customers's data opened and accessible. With a CRM integrated portal, you can provide a better customer experience by quickly following up and resolving on all open cases and support requests. You can integrate our Portal add-on with your existing Dolibarr system. So, no need to invest into extra plugins for providing a support portal to your customers.

Built with Latest Technology

This plugin is built with dolibarr REST API with all other latest technologies.

How to Install

The installation on dolibarr side doesn't need any technical skills; you only need to activate API REST in Dolibarr :


Go to : Configuration > Modules > API REST  ( and activate it )


Then Extract Zip content and put it in your Website, when you open it in browser first time you must write the dolibarr URL and your email when you want to receive all customer requests.

That's all!

Help & Support

One email address for all your request; [email protected]

Your request will be analyzed 3 to 4 times per week, we will answer you!

If you need technical support or more addons for your customer portal; contact us, we are here for you.