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This Module allows you to add several functionalities in HR Plus Module (we called it Advanced HR Module), Below the elements integrated in this Module: Advanced HR Management 1- Staff Score 2- Medical records 3- Employee advances 4- CNSS employees 5- Payroll Management 6- Global Recap 7- Charges / month 8- CNSS State
Description & Fonctionnalités
Advanced HR Plus (Timekeeping, medical records, CNSS, Payroll, etc.). Below are the elements included in this module Advanced HR Management:
1- Staff Score
2- Medical records 3- Employee advances 4- CNSS employees 5- Payroll Management 6- Global Recap 7- Charges / month 8- CNSS State
Demo Advanced HR Plus (Timekeeping, medical records, CNSS, Payroll, etc.)demo/demo
If you order our module you benefit from:
- free installation and configuration assistance - free help in case of bug or module malfunction - the addition of new functionalities or options specifically adapted to your needs. |
Démonstration | Mises à jour et disponibilité Les mises à jour correctives du module seront publiées sur le dolistore. |
Support We are available for any questions. If you have a problem with the operation of the module, please give us detailed information so that we can understand and reproduce the behavior. Email: [email protected] |
More than 100 Modules available in Dolistore: |