Quick Generate


This module simplifies Dolibarr workflow for creating customer orders and related documents (expedition, BOL, invoice) with just a few clicks. PDF generation and PDF merge are included with a custom number of pages/include for each document.

72.00 €

  • Author Milen Karaganski
  • Module version 1.0
  • Release date 11/20/2024
  • How to contact support [email protected]
  • Compatibility Dolibarr17.x.x - 20.x.x
  • Last update 01/02/2025 04:43 PM

More info

Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Milen Karaganski / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: Mail to [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto

## Features

This module simplifies Dolibarr workflow for the creation of customer orders and related documents (expedition, delivery and invoice) with just a few clicks. PDF generation and PDF merge options are included, with the ability to specify custom number of pages(copies) for each document

## General Usage

Install the module, adjust its settings and click "QUICK GENERATE" on the customer order page. Order validation is not necessary (the module will validate it by itself). ## Options - Generate shipment (expedition) - Generate BOL (Delivery receipt) - Generate invoice - Validate all documents, including the customer order - Generate PDF's for all generated documents - Merge all PDF's into one file

## Usage

### If customer order is already generated and validated:

Go to a customer order card and you will see a button "Quick Generate" - Current customer order will be used to generate the documents

### If customer order is not generated

Go to the customer proposal and generate customer order OR Go to a customer card and you will see a button "Quick Generate". You will be presented with a list of the open (unsigned) proposals for this customer