New products

  • dolipdf

    dolipdf make a connection to an external conversion webservice who transform your odt files to pdf

    6.00 €
  • PrepaCom

    PrepaCom Module - Order Picking Extension for Dolibarr This module acts as a connector between your Dolibarr instance and the Dolimob SaaS order picking application. It provides the necessary API endpoints and picking status tracking, enabling seamless integration with Dolimob's mobile picking features.

    115.20 €

This web site is the official market place to find addons and plugins for the Dolibarr ERP CRM project.

  • If you are a Dolibarr user:

You can search for additional features and find different modules or extensions. Browse the categories to find your extension or use the search form at the top of the page ...

Some extensions/modules are free, some are paid (Members of the Dolibarr foundation benefits a 20% discount if the request is made to the association once account has been created on DoliStore. Buying product must be done after the request has been processed to see the 20% discounts on all prices)

  • If you are a developer :

You can submit your own modules, you choose the price (free is better). For this, just create an account and submit your module from left menu.

  • V12 - V20
    49.90 €
    MBI Sync Google Contacts

    MBI Sync Google allows you to add and update your Dolibarr thirdparties and contacts in your Google contacts. A Google account can be synchronized for each Dolibarr user. The module allows you to choose for each account whether it synchronizes all the thirdparties and contacts or only those for which the user is assigned as a sales representative.

    49.90 €
  • 6 - 20
    54.00 €
    Line Numbers

    Displays on the different creation screens (commercial proposal, invoice, order supplier, shipping, supplier proposal, order and delivery) as well as on generated pdf files, line numbers, to more easily find elements on long documents.

    54.00 €
  • V16 - V21
    60.00 €
    Bank transfer

    This module is an improvement to the internal transfer that comes by default in Dolibarr. Allows you to add a description, amount, person responsible for the transfer and reason for transfer. In addition, it has a dictionary for transfer reasons and a ticket for printing.

    60.00 €
  • 4 - 20
    96.00 €
    Cocamap - Thirdparty or Contact on a map on your website

    Cocamap allow you to display contact or thirparties on a map or on a list in your wordpress website

    96.00 €
  • 16 - 20
    2.40 €
    Automatic Invoice Customer Reference from Template

    With that module you can now apply a default customer reference on all your invoices made from template

    2.40 €
  • 16 - 20
    216.00 €
    Lead V2

    This module allow to manage Lead into Dolibarr. Centralize current business information, proposals, orders, invoices, contracts and events; Follow the steps of your business from this module.

    216.00 €
  • V6 - V21
    144.00 €
    Multiples invoice due dates

    This module allows you to associate more than one deadline to invoices, for customers and suppliers. Upon confirmation of the invoice, the amount will be divided by due dates, using the amounts and dates according to the desired logic. At the time of payment, you can indicate which of the deadlines you wish to process. The result of all the indicated operations is a detailed schedule

    144.00 €
  • V16 - V21
    30.00 €
    Advanced Discounts

    Manage discounts according to advanced rules (country, customer categories, presence of products, amount reached...). Discounts are absolute or relative.

    30.00 €
  • V12 - V20
    240.00 €
    llstats - Simplified Statistics

    llstats: Interactive & Advanced Statistics for sales, purchases or margins, by product or product group, by third party or third party group, or by commercial

    240.00 €
  • 15 - 20
    95.99 €

    Module allowing to make an inventory in a given date, and to update the stock by that time, while taking into account made entrances / exits (customer order, supplier order)

    95.99 €
  • V12 - V20
    66.00 €
    TakePOS Customer Display

    Capture the attention of your client, sell more while they pay you. Customer Display allows you to take an additional look at what you offer to your customers. Show the customer what he buys, the quantities, discounts and prices, set up advertising for your business, generate trust and interest.

    66.00 €
  • 12 - 20
    89.90 €
    MBI Automatic invoicing of models

    MBI Automatic invoicing of models makes it possible to automatically generate invoices from invoice models with personalized mail sending, via a scheduled job (cron task).

    89.90 €