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    120,00 €
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Z-Ticket and POS reporting


This module allows you to generate cash register Z-tickets and also provides a multi-criteria statistics space (total turnover over a period by category for example, average ticket, breakdown by payment method, VAT rate, ....)

144,00 €

  • Modulversion 1.4.4
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum 22.06.2022

Mehr Infos


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Z-Ticket and POS reporting

➦ Editor : Inovea Conseil
➦ Version : auto
➦ Compatibility : Dolibarr auto - auto
➦ Languages : FR EN

Module description

This module allows you to automatically categorize your customers according to products/services they bought from you! Based on the invoiced products, the module will automatically associate the categories corresponding (which you will have previously defined in a correspondence between categories of products/services and categories of Third Parties). The module then takes care, with each new invoice, of associating the category(ies) indicated to the Third Party according to the products invoiced.

When closing the cash register, the module allows you to have the Z ticket with the following information
- name of the point of sale
- Period (opening and closing date and time - from ... to .....)
- list of sales (with type of payment and total amount)
- Total turnover
- Nb of sales
- average ticket
- details of cash receipts by type of payment
- detail of receipts by product category (please note that each product/service must be in only one category)
- detail of cash receipts by VAT rate

As for statistics, the module allows you to obtain statistics by choosing a start and end date and then to organize the reporting by category, by product or by VAT rate.
A first statistics menu gives access to a list of filterable receipts, allowing you to obtain a report on a specific product, for example, or on a specific product category, a specific day, .....

A second menu gives access to statistics on a given period:

- report by product
- report by VAT rate
- report by product category
- report by payment method
These reports will have the same form as the Z tickets.


To allow the correct functioning of the module, you must use the POS module (SimplePOS or TakePOS).


  • You will find attached the module documentation
  • Documentation (FR )


Purchase includes :

  • User guide
  • Access to 6 month updates
  • Corrective maintenance in the event of a proven malfunction

Purchase does not includes :

Support & Assistance Inovea Conseil

If you notice a malfunction of the module, access the support link below with all the information necessary to process your request :

  • Module version and Dolibarr version ?
  • Detailed problem encountered: when does it occur ?
  • How to reproduce it ? (with screenshot)

Remember to read the user documentation before sending us a request ! You may find your answer there.

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