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Sales team will not like to clutter their list of Customer & Prospects with this list or dump of suspects, hence they prefer to keep the list of suspects separately. To resolve this practical challenge faced by Sales team we have come up with this Pre-Opportunity module.
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Mark Hutchinson / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: [email protected]
Install (For Dolibarr v18+):
Currently in Dolibarr there is no separate place for sales team to keep the details of records which are suspects but they are not yet a Customer or a Prospect. This is the list where sales team fishes to find opportunity by making cold calls, emails etc. Also Sales team will not like to clutter their list of Customer & Prospects with this list or dump of suspects, hence they prefer to keep the list of suspects separately. To resolve this practical challenge faced by Sales team we have come up with this Pre-Opportunity module.
This module for Dolibarr is designed to enhance your Sales Force Automation process by allowing you to track, organize, and convert suspects/pre-opportunities into opportunities more effectively. With this module, you can store the details of various suspects/pre-opportunities gathered from different sources, track their status, assign sales personnel, document conversations, and convert them into an opportunity at appropriate time. It also allows for adding custom fields, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to your business needs.
Pre-Opportunity Management: Store detailed information about each suspect/pre-opportunity, including the source, the current status (Open/Closed), and custom fields as needed.
Assign Salesperson: Assign to specific sales personnel to ensure proper follow-up and accountability.
Events for Conversations: Track conversations and interactions with record by adding events. This helps in maintaining a complete history of all related communication.
Lead Conversion:
Automatic Linking: After lead conversion, the newly created third party, contacts, and project are automatically linked to the pre-opportunity. Additionally, the status of the original Pre-Opportunity will be updated to Closed.
Dynamic Source and Follow-up Status:
The Source (e.g., marketing campaigns, referrals, etc.) and Follow-up/Sales Status (e.g., in progress, won, lost) are dynamic and can be customized via the Setup -> Dictionary section. This allows businesses to tailor these fields based on their processes.
Add, remove, or modify sources and follow-up status as your business needs evolve.
You can add custom fields in the Pre-Opportunity module to capture additional data. To add custom fields:
GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version. See file COPYING for more information.
For any issues or feature requests, please contact us at [[email protected]].