Neue Produkte

  • Supplier Quote Input: Supplier quotes from quotes / customer orders and simplified tracking

    Quickly create price requests to several suppliers and much more! The “Supplier Quote Input” module is a powerful and intuitive tool that transforms the way you manage supplier quotes in Dolibarr. With this module, you can quickly create requests for quotations from your Dolibarr quotes or orders, and send them simultaneously to several suppliers.

    312,00 €
  • Memorandum

    This module allows users to digitally sign memorandums through a public-facing page, ensuring ease of access and efficiency. Additionally, an updated section in the HRM (Human Resource Management) part of the user profile displays all relevant memorandums, promoting transparency and record-keeping.

    72,00 €

POS Es gibt 57 Produkte.

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Anzeigen 1 - 12 of 57 items
  • 114,00 €
    Partial Returns for Takepos

    Das Modul PartialReturns für Dolibarr vereinfacht die Verwaltung von Teilrückgaben in TakePOS, indem es die Erstellung von Gutschriften mit anpassbaren Mengen und die Verwaltung von Rückerstattungen ermöglicht. In TakePOS integriert, bietet es eine effiziente Lösung für die Verwaltung von Rückgaben mit vollständiger Rückverfolgbarkeit, optimiert den Prozess und verbessert den Kundenservice.

    114,00 €
  • 234,00 €
    Fiskaly Belege

    Dieses Modul ist eine Erweiterung des Fiskaly SignDE-Moduls, um Belege nach deutschen Vorschriften zu erstellen. Es werden Tickets erstellt, die mit den im Fiskaly-Ticketbeispiel beschriebenen identisch

    234,00 €
  • 144,00 €
    Waiter Panel

    Module that allows you to create customer orders in the form of commands. In addition, you can manage tables and print an order ticket to collect before making the invoice. Compatible with NumberSeries module. Adaptable to a smartphone

    144,00 €
  • 30,00 €

    Simple set of Dashboards displaying Todays takings (Auto refresh) Revenue over a given period Product Dashboard for a given period

    30,00 €
  • 144,00 €
    Billing panel

    This module is a plugin to create invoices from an order. After creating an order you can create an invoice, add the total payment and classify the order as invoiced with a single click. In addition, we have invoice lists, credit notes, pending payments and complementary functions from other GoSource modules. This module works perfectly with the Fast Sales module, also from GoSource.

    144,00 €
  • 84,00 €
    Multiple Split Sales (TakePOS)

    The Multi Division Sales add-on for TakePOS allows you to divide an order belonging to a place or table in the establishment into multiple accounts, this allows your customers to pay their bills separately. Additional characteristics: ++ Capture the name of the waiter who serves the bill ++ Capture the number of people in the account ++ Print this data on the ticket

    84,00 €
  • 24,00 €
    Hide button + Takepos discount.

    This module provides the capability to hide buttons within the TakePos point of sale system. It also allows the addition of discount buttons for newly added items, featuring reductions of 20%, 30%, 50%, and 70%.

    24,00 €
  • 48,00 €
    TakePOS Order Print

    Print your TakePOS orders with only the necessary lines and units, add comments for each product and generate a receipt with the necessary information: ✓ Serving user, ✓ Place or Table to which the order belongs, ✓ Date and Time, ✓ Additional comments or notes per article ✓ Just simple!

    48,00 €
  • 96,00 €
    Loyalty points (compatible with TakePOS)

    Functionality that allows you to give points as a bonus to customers for their purchases at your business, compatible with TakePOS

    96,00 €
  • 12,00 €

    Get product recall from french gouvernment website "RappelConso".

    12,00 €
  • 78,00 €
    Advanced Barcodes for TakePOS

    Functionality that allows you to configure barcodes for use in TakePOS, allowing you to indicate: ✓ Reference of sales products by weight ✓ Reference of sales products by price in the system ✓ Reference of sales products by price on label

    78,00 €
  • 96,00 €
    TakePOS save as... 18

    Modul, mit dem Sie Bestellungen oder Kostenvoranschläge von TakePOS speichern können

    96,00 €
Anzeigen 1 - 12 of 57 items