Human Relationship

Human Relantionship management

Human Relationship There are 99 products.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 99 items
  • SMS Publi

    SMS Publi allows you to send SMS to your thirdparties in a very simply way all over the world. SMS price start from 0,05€/sms (Spain). Ask us the prices for other countries. You can customize the sender's number with an alphanumeric one (by example, you can send a SMS from "MYCOMPANY"). And you can see the status of sent messages and the available credit.

  • Show holidays in Calendar by default

    The "Display holidays in Calendar by default" module is a free module that allows you to automatically display all the holidays you have planned in your holiday management module, in the Dolibarr Calendar.

  • Todo list for customer - Free version

    Use this module to add a todolist to your third parties.

  • OCR - ScanPay

    Import all paycheck of your employees directly in Dolibarr with the same process as scaninvoices!

  • Search for Help in Forums
    1,20 €
    Search for Help in Forums

    Main function: to facilitate searching in the Dolibarr community forums (in the French, English, and German forums) from the Dolibarr internal search box. IMASDEWEB. 99% FREE.

    1,20 €
  • CapTodoList
    2,40 €

    TODO List based only on dolibarr objects : projects and tasks. Create a new tag of projects for your todolist and that's all.

    2,40 €
  • Schedule Of Holidays
    8,40 €
    Schedule Of Holidays

    View leaves in a calendar See demo

    8,40 €
  • Who's online
    11,99 €
    Who's online

    See online users on dolibarr easily & efficiently

    11,99 €
  • Chat
    12,00 €

    Fully customizable and full-featured chat module for Dolibarr ERP & CRM

    12,00 €
  • User Switcher
    12,00 €
    User Switcher

    Adds a dropdown list to your left menu, allowing you to switch between users quickly and without needing to enter a password. The users list is customisable & the module has support for users permissions. New: this module is now compatible with multicompany module.

    12,00 €
  • myClock : Time, Breadcrump, Pomodoro and Calculator
    18,00 €
    myClock : Time, Breadcrump, Pomodoro and...

    A small clock always visible in Dolibarr to keep an eye on your main box and actions of days ( interventions , tasks, events) Customizable according to your taste and needs the presence of plugin include breadcrump, pomodoro and calculator

    18,00 €
  • Matchr, Recruitment and resource selections
    24,00 €
    Matchr, Recruitment and resource selections

    Module dedicated to human resource recruitment and selection of qualified individuals for carrying a stain or intervention

    24,00 €
Showing 1 - 12 of 99 items