This web site is the official market place to find addons and plugins for the Dolibarr ERP CRM project.

  • If you are a Dolibarr user:

You can search for additional features and find different modules or extensions. Browse the categories to find your extension or use the search form at the top of the page ...

Some extensions/modules are free, some are paid (Members of the Dolibarr foundation benefits a 20% discount if the request is made to the association once account has been created on DoliStore. Buying product must be done after the request has been processed to see the 20% discounts on all prices)

  • If you are a developer :

You can submit your own modules, you choose the price (free is better). For this, just create an account and submit your module from left menu.

  • 14 - 20
    108.00 €

    Time management to limit user access to the system at a specific time. Record shifts, schedules and holidays

    108.00 €
  • 12 - 20
    78.00 €
    Advanced Barcodes for TakePOS

    Functionality that allows you to configure barcodes for use in TakePOS, allowing you to indicate: ✓ Reference of sales products by weight ✓ Reference of sales products by price in the system ✓ Reference of sales products by price on label

    78.00 €
  • 10 - 20
    69.90 €
    MBI Substitutions

    MBI Substitutions module allows the use of your thirdparty extrafields in your commercial proposals, orders, shipments, invoices, contracts and interventions emails, via substitution variables.

    69.90 €
  • 11 - 20
    12.00 €

    A simple module to generate CSV from ODS file obtained with libreoffice template.

    12.00 €
  • 7 - 20
    168.00 €
    2Promo STS

    With this module you can manage promotions in selling your products. You can assign promotions to customers or products. There are discount promotions in the 2nd unit and buy X pay Y.

    168.00 €
  • V16 - V21
    180.00 €
    Delivery address

    This module allows you to add the delivery address of your contact on your PDF in your customer proposals,customer and supplier orders, customer and supplier invoices and customer shipments and deliveries.

    180.00 €
  • 16 - 20
    30.00 €
    myDiscount : Calcul de remise globale simplifié

    Simplifie le calcul des remises globale au niveau des pièces de dolibarr (propal, commande, facture) en répartissant la remise globale (en %, TTC ou HT) en remise sur les lignes détaillées

    30.00 €
  • 7 - 20
    60.00 €
    2Catalog STS

    Generates a PDF catalog of products and services contained in Dolibarr. Allows management of catalogs by month and year, and more ...

    60.00 €
  • 16 - 20
    300.00 €
    Identity Switch

    This module is runing with the Multi-company module and allows proposals / orders / invoices to go to assign the desired brand. Very helpfull for a company with different brands !

    300.00 €
  • 17 - 20
    12.00 €
    DoliBinance : Crypto Payment Module

    DoliBinance is a simple module to add capability to accept Bitcoin or other crypto allowed by Binance, on Dolibarr. The payment page display your wallet deposit address (set it with the dictionnary) to the customer and a form to allow him to enter the transaction data he made to paid the invoice (by blockchain direct payment or exchange,...).

    12.00 €
  • 16 - 20
    2.40 €
    Automatic Invoice Customer Reference from Template

    With that module you can now apply a default customer reference on all your invoices made from template

    2.40 €
  • 17 - 20
    60.00 €
    Quick entry of salaries

    This module allow you to fill more than one salairies fees in one screen This is an add-on to core salaries module, all exisiting feautre are still available

    60.00 €