
  • Medical Center

    Module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67,20 €  (-20%)

Neue Produkte

  • Sales statistics and stock coverage

    This module allows you to display the list of products with the number of sales over a specific period, stock coverage and physical stock. The list can be filtered by supplier.

    120,00 €
  • HelloAsso

    Offer customers a HelloAsso online payment page (credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...)




Module for automatic import of invoices and credit notes into Horus via the API. A scheduled task synchronizes clients and imports missing invoices/credit notes. A second task retrieves the payment status of invoices, ensuring real-time updates.

240,00 €

  • Autor Morgan Demoulin
  • Modulversion 1.1.10
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum 28.05.2024
  • So kontaktieren Sie den Support [email protected]
  • Kompatibilität Dolibarr15.0.0 - 19.0.0
  • Letztes Update 02.01.2025 16:44

Mehr Infos

Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Morgan Demoulin / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: None / Forum www.dolibarr.org / Mail to [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto

Install (For Dolibarr v9+:

  • Go into menu Home - Setup - Modules - Deploy an external module and submit the zip file
  • Module or skin is then available and can be activated.

Install (For Dolibarr v8-):

  • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site DoliStore.com
  • Put the file into the root directory of Dolibarr.
  • Uncompress the zip file, for example with command  unzip module_dolihorus-1.1.9.zip
  • Module or skin is then available and can be activated.