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Continuación de la serie azul, ultimatepdf le permite instalar en un clic las plantillas "ultimate" (pedido, envío, factura, lcr, intervención, proyecto, presupuesto, pedido a proveedor, contrato).
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Module version: 19.0.4 The rate includes 1 hour of online help! free updates for 1 year for the same version and then 50% discount for the following version |
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Demo :
English visitor
login : dowjohn
psw : visitor
Manage your templates with a single click in a drop-down list.
Create these in the image of your company, respecting your graphic charter (Background color, border color, text color...)
Features: See on Dolibarr's wiki
Many "slides" have been added since the last version, in particular the display of products barcode within documents lines as well as the "electronic signature", the creation and display of several issuing companies
Now works with the MBI Signature electronic signature module.
Payment QRcode on invoices.