Nuevos productos

  • PrepaCom

    PrepaCom Module - Order Picking Extension for Dolibarr This module acts as a connector between your Dolibarr instance and the Dolimob SaaS order picking application. It provides the necessary API endpoints and picking status tracking, enabling seamless integration with Dolimob's mobile picking features.

    115,20 €
  • Sales statistics and stock coverage

    This module allows you to display the list of products with the number of sales over a specific period, stock coverage and physical stock. The list can be filtered by supplier.

    120,00 €

ECommerce Hay productos 42.

products per page
1-12 / 42 items
  • Nuevo
    V16 - V21
    144,00 €
    Order and Production Management Module

    The essential tool to optimize your daily operations! In the blink of an eye, view all orders for today, tomorrow, or any selected date, export them for production, and save valuable time.

    144,00 €
  • Nuevo
    V20 - V21
    84,00 €
    Presta Sync : Connecteur Prestashop pour Dolibarr

    PrestaSync, the E-commerce Connector Between Dolibarr & Prestashop PrestaSync is a synchronization module between Prestashop and Dolibarr, designed to simplify the management of products, orders, customers, and inventory across these two platforms.

    84,00 €
  • 19 - 20
    Novalnet payment plugin for Dolibarr

    Accept 200+ payment methods in 150+ currencies globally in a highly secure, state-of-the-art environment supported by AI-powered risk management for SMEs & large enterprises. Novalnet hosts multiple value-added features & services including recurring payments, debt collection, automated marketplace.

  • 16 - 19
    144,00 €
    Panel de facturación

    This module is a plugin to create invoices from an order. After creating an order you can create an invoice, add the total payment and classify the order as invoiced with a single click. In addition, we have invoice lists, credit notes, pending payments and complementary functions from other GoSource modules. This module works perfectly with the Fast Sales module, also from GoSource.

    144,00 €
  • 14 - 20
    216,00 €
    One page basket

    Este módulo le permite vender sus artículos (servicios y productos físicos) en forma de una página de pedido única alojada directamente en su dolibarr, sin intermediarios. Ya no necesitará configurar un conector para prestashop o wordpress, ni módulos adicionales: todo es nativo de dolibarr....

    216,00 €
  • 14 - 19
    39,00 €

    BypassInvoice permite delegar la gestión y numeración de las facturas de PrestaShop a Dolibarr, simplificando la facturación y la sincronización de datos, y ofreciendo una solución eficaz para los comerciantes que buscan optimizar sus procesos contables y ofrecer una mejor experiencia al cliente.

    39,00 €
  • 14 - 19
    240,00 €

    Click'n'Collect for dolibarr is a new sort of point of sale : your customers can make self order, pay and come to your store to get the products. That was designed for fast-food trucks.

    240,00 €
  • 14 - 18

    Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.

  • 12 - 16
    492,00 €
    Integración con Woocomerce

    Integración de Productos, stock inicial, pedidos, clientes y deshabilitación de vinculación de productos. Configurar el stock de determinados almacenes Determinar el uso del precio de venta (Woo o Doli) en las órdenes de venta. Stock: Para actualizar stock con movimientos de ventas de Takepos u otros, debes tener permisos para ejecutar comandos en segundo plano en tu hosting o servidor.

    492,00 €
  • 14 - 19
    180,00 €
    SumUp payment

    SumUp supports more than 3.5 million merchants in over 30 markets worldwide, and operates a product suite of tailor-made business tools created specifically for the micro and nano segment (Source: wikipédia) That module allow you to enable your sumup account into Dolibarr.

    180,00 €
  • 10 - 20
    199,99 €

    El módulo de Redsys para Dolibarr permite a los usuarios configurar y utilizar la pasarela de pago Redsys para procesar transacciones en línea de manera segura y eficiente. El módulo se puede instalar fácilmente en Dolibarr y se integra perfectamente con el sistema existente.Ahora con compatibilidad bizum.

    199,99 €
  • 14 - 20
    114,00 €
    TPE Connect

    Push Dolibarr amount to your payment terminal. Compatible with TakePOS and all sort of Dolibarr installation (your dolibarr server could be outside of your lan network).

    114,00 €
1-12 / 42 items