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MBI Contract Summary displays the list of active services of the contracts as well as the products and services of the model invoices on the thirdparty page.
PrepaCom Module - Order Picking Extension for Dolibarr This module acts as a connector between your Dolibarr instance and the Dolimob SaaS order picking application. It provides the necessary API endpoints and picking status tracking, enabling seamless integration with Dolimob's mobile picking features.
Das MBI Signature Yousign-Modul ermöglicht es, Angebote, Verträge, SEPA-Mandate und Lieferscheine mit Yousign zu signieren. Auch externe Dokumente, die einem Angebot hinzugefügt wurden, können signiert werden. Die eIDAS-zertifizierte Signatur umfasst eine SMS-Identitätsprüfung. Der Kauf beinhaltet unbegrenzte Updates und 5 Signatur-Credits.
This module offers the possibility to have a suitable visual tasks to be performed per user, per order or per workstation. It can for example be displayed in your workshop.<
Control the stock of your serial products directly and easily, sell series on TakePOS and check the movement history of each series.
Dieser Modul ermöglicht es, sehr schnell nach Kontakten und Partnern (Unternehmen) zu suchen. Einfach in das neue Eingabefeld lostippen und einen der mittels Autocomplete gefundenen Einträge auswählen.
This module enables multi-company to handle multiple entities on a single installation Dolibarr. The sharing of the base product, customer base/contacts and user base and more...
Bent u een recruitmentbureau of een headhunter-startup? Met de module TALENT PLUS RECRUITMENT FIRM MANAGEMENT kunt u de wervingsactiviteiten binnen uw structuur intern of extern beheren voor andere bedrijven als u recruiter of headhunter bent.
If the management of customer interventions represents an essential part of your company's work, "Interventions enhanced" is the module that can improve your operations. The data flow is managed starting from the planning of the interventions on the agenda up to the invoicing towards the customer and the unloading of the materials used in the intervention.
This module allows you to easily declare a dispute on an order, an invoice or a contract of your customer or supplier. Follow your different disputes in your dashboard and distinguish them by their status.
Track email activity for customer's offer, order and invoice and suppliers request, purchase order and invoice