
This web site is the official market place to find addons and plugins for the Dolibarr ERP CRM project.

  • If you are a Dolibarr user :

You can search for additional features and find different modules or extensions. Browse the categories to find your extension or use the search form at the top of the page ...

Some extensions/modules are free, some are paid (Members of the Dolibarr foundation benefits a 20% discount if the request is made to the association once account has been created on DoliStore. Buying product must be done after the request has been processed to see the 20% discounts on all prices)

  • If you are a developer :

You can submit your own modules, you choose the price (free is better). For this, just create an account and submit your module from left menu.

  • Google 17 - 19.0.*
    60,00 €
    Google 17 - 19.0.*

    Add interfaces or synchronize Google Calendar, Google contact, Maps, Analytics and Adsense into your Dolibarr : Add new tab called "Google Agenda" to show contents of Google agendas. Can synchronize events and contacts with Google Calendar and contacts. Localize addresses into Google maps, show all customers, contacts or members on a map, ... Compatible...

    60,00 €
    540,00 €

    HRM-PRO: Advanced Solution for Human Resource Management System, Complete Human Resource Management Module in Dolibarr ERP, Contains 10+ Sub-Modules.

    540,00 €
  • Ultimateimmo 19.0.1
    300,00 €
    Ultimateimmo 19.0.1

    Real estate management module.

    300,00 €
  • Advanced Notifier
    300,00 €
    Advanced Notifier

    Our advanced notification module is designed to enhance the efficiency of your company by keeping you informed of events directly from your Dolibarr interface.

    300,00 €
  • Follow Plus
    108,00 €
    Follow Plus

    The Tracking Plus module lets you create license or product renewal tracking lists for customers, with a link to the license or product supplier.

    108,00 €
  • Stancer online payment
    99,00 €
    Stancer online payment

    Stancer is a french low-cost payment platform. More informations about stancer is available on the website https://www.stancer.com/en/ This dolibarr plugin make the link between Stancer and Dolibarr.

    99,00 €
  • Mass update of sales and purchase prices on sample invoices
    216,00 €
    Mass update of sales and purchase prices...

    This module enables you to update purchase and sales prices on model invoices - from the product file, to update all model invoices with this item (product or service) - Or by using the mass selection list of model invoices, which updates all sales or purchase prices for selected invoices.

    216,00 €
  • Expedition to bill 15.0 - 19.0
    252,00 €
    Expedition to bill 15.0 - 19.0

    Save time by combining all your shipments into one invoice ! Billable expedition is a module that allows you to combine all your shipments to the same customer in a single invoice. A great time saver when planning your next shipments.

    252,00 €
  • DoliSCAN - Notes de frais
    144,00 €
    DoliSCAN - Notes de frais

    DoliSCAN is a french-only (for the moment) app and service for expense reports. Take a photo of the supporting document, enter some information, save and that's it. The photo is archived, the data saved on your server and at the end of the month you can generate your expense report in PDF format. The supporting documents will also be available for...

    144,00 €
  • Export Simplified Accounting
    30,00 €
    Export Simplified Accounting

    This module allows you to retrieve Dolibarr's accounting information in the form of logs for integration into accounting software without having to use the ledger of Dolibarr's advanced accounting accounts.

    30,00 €
  • Automatic unpaid reminders by thirdparty V4
    300,00 €
    Automatic unpaid reminders by thirdparty V4

    Automatically follow up on your unpaid invoices with this module. Remind your customers by email or by mail. You benefit from 4 levels of gradual reminders (from reminder of due date to formal notice).

    300,00 €
  • Medical Center 15 - 19.0
    84,00 €
    Medical Center 15 - 19.0

    DoliMed is a module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    84,00 €
  • Accelerator Memcached 16.0.0 - 19.0.*
    24,00 €
    Accelerator Memcached 16.0.0 - 19.0.*

    Developed by the Dolibarr project leader, this module allows to increase speed by using a cache server MemCached. According to platform, speed to show each page can be increase between 20% and 40%. This module is an applicative cache, not a PHP OPCode cache so gain effect is cumulated with any other OPCode cache like APC, xCache, or PHP 7 native OPCode...

    24,00 €
  • Ultimatepdf 18.0.0
    180,00 €
    Ultimatepdf 18.0.0

    A true Swiss knife for customizing your documents (orders, shipments, invoices with LCR, intervention forms, projects, proposals, supplier orders and invoices...). The module's administration allows you to manage your personal graphic charter as well as numerous settings.

    180,00 €
  • Auto selling price 14.x - 19.0.x
    204,00 €
    Auto selling price 14.x - 19.0.x

    The module automatically calculates your selling prices according to the cost price and the desired margin rate. With this module, you can manage your margins automatically! Ensure your turnover and your profits!

    204,00 €
  • D-Cloud Dropbox
    192,00 €
    D-Cloud 14.0 - 19.0

    This module allows you to link your Dropbox account with Dolibarr. It creates a directory for customers and synchronizes all the documents generated and uploaded. It also includes the ability to upload multiple files at once. This gives you a document management by client is synchronized to your local machine. You can copy/paste, rename, delete and copy...

    192,00 €