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The Dolibarr Subtotal module allows you to easily integrate subtotals on your quotes, orders and customer invoices or on your supplier orders and invoices
This model is a very easy and effective way to add titles, subtotals and comments to your PDF propal.
Present your documents in an organised way ! This module allows you to easily define titles and subtotals in your proposals, orders and invoices (including with margins, down payment, etc.).
This module allows you to import from an Excel table (.xls, .xlsx, .csv, .ods) the content of a quote. If for example you make complex operations of pricing in your spreadsheet, this module allows you to import quickly in Dolibarr the result of this work.
The financial planning module allows you to predict the financial availability of your company in the short and medium term, based on future data on receipts and expenses (orders and deadlines of customers / suppliers, taxes, salaries, ....) and forecast data entered manually. The results can be exported in a spreadsheet and / or analyzed with graphs.
The ProjectPro module allows the control of project costs down to the single active or passive invoice line, in fact we can divide the subtotal of a single invoice line by attributing the desired amount to a single project or to all the projects involved.
MBI Signature module allows your third parties to electronically sign your commercial proposals, orders, supplier orders, shipments, interventions, contracts, sepa mandates, leave request, expense reports and delivery receipts. The signature works on computers, touch pads and smartphones. The signature of proposals can be eIDAS certified with Yousign.
• The dolibarr module "Quotation formatting" allows you to quickly and easily customize your quotes. • This module does not have multiple complex options to configure, it focuses on customizing the product title and associated description.
The InfraS Plus pack brings all the advancements of the basic InfraS pack plus the complete management of Extra Fields, the addition of customs information for export, the choice of text color, and more ...