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This module allows you to generate bills with the Ri.Ba. (Electronic Bank Receipt) method to be presented to the bank for collection. It is valid only for Italian credit institutions.
The Announcements module (Corporate Messages) allows you to generate internal messages that will be displayed for each of the desired users. The first time each user logs in, the message will be displayed. It is at the user's discretion to accept or reject the message. In case of refusal, the message will be presented again later.
This module allows you to associate more than one deadline to invoices, for customers and suppliers. Upon confirmation of the invoice, the amount will be divided by due dates, using the amounts and dates according to the desired logic. At the time of payment, you can indicate which of the deadlines you wish to process. The result of all the indicated operations is a detailed schedule
Allows Full Text search on the documents of the various modules. It is possible to select only the modules and types of documents concerned.
The module substantially improves the management of shipments, introducing the following possibilities: - enter new shipments directly, overcoming the need to switch from the sales order - complete management of lines (similar to all other documents) - possibility of sending material to suppliers (returns, ...) - material transfer between 2 warehouses (third party warehouse, ...)
It allows you to manage production costs and analytical accounting. All costs/revenues deriving from production (BOM), personnel and invoices (customers/suppliers) are associated with cost centers and projects. It produces analyzes (spreadsheets and graphs) from different points of view and at different levels of detail
It allows, for any type of object (product, offer, invoice, ...), to attach the documents associated with the object to the email
The “Commercial Agents” module allows you to manage agents' commissions, generating, from each of the customer invoices, the corresponding commission invoices to suppliers.
This module allows sending SMS from all documents using templates and Substition Variables. Furthermore, for the events of the diary it is also foreseen the sending of Reminder and automatic SMS in advance.
It allows you to massively modify the purchase or sale prices for the selected items. Once the prices to be changed have been identified (on the categories, on the supplier, on the title, ...) and introduced the discount/increase criteria, through a percentage and a rounding criterion, with a simple click it is possible to massively vary the prices of products.
The Alert on under stock module allows the issuing of alerts if the stock (or virtual stock) of a product ends up under stock. These reports occur in 2 ways: - by sending a personalized email to one or more addresses - by the appearance of a message on the screen
The module allows the definition and printing of labels on thermal printers of products, of third parties and of the material present in purchase invoices, orders and shipments