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Met deze module kunnen we de voertuigen van een bedrijf beheren,...
Bent u een recruitmentbureau of een headhunter-startup? Met de module...
Module um das Verhalten der Benutzeroberfläche zu ändern. Neue Design-Vorlagen finden eher die Kategorie „Layout-Vorlagen“
Module um das Verhalten der Benutzeroberfläche zu ändern. Neue Design-Vorlagen finden eher die Kategorie „Layout-Vorlagen“
Do not lose your files deleted by mistake, find them in the Dolibarr trash.
Simplifie le calcul des remises globale au niveau des pièces de dolibarr (propal, commande, facture) en répartissant la remise globale (en %, TTC ou HT) en remise sur les lignes détaillées
ExtraScanner add a Scanbutton in most Dolibarr page. You can use most local or network scanner to store pdf files in a local or shared drive. We rely on free to manage hardware scan while a batch and a reg file connect the web to the hardware. Please install and check that NAPS2 tool is working for you before purchasing
Mit diesem Modul können Sie den nativen Listen Felder aus benutzerdefinierten Attributen oder anderen hinzufügen, die ursprünglich nicht in der Liste vorgesehen waren: - Auswahl verfügbarer Extrafelder - Zusätzliche Felder in den nativen Tabellen der Liste hinzugefügt Die hinzugefügten Felder werden in der Feldauswahl der Liste angezeigt und können wie...
Widget that helps you remember your third party's birthday, congratulate them on time and create more than a business relationship.
Restrict the use of buttons in the TakePOS interface according to the privileges of each user, maintain control over the management of your cash register.
After enabling this module, upload a list of PDF files for each type of document (invoice, orders, proposals). Then when you will send an email from the document, into the form to send email, you will see that all PDF files are automatically attached into your email form and ready to be sent.
komplettes Postleitzahlenverzeichnis mit Orten für Deutschland (Stand 2020)
The add-on module Easya / Dolibarr "Hide/show margin" allows to hide or show margin blocks and columns in (your choice) commercial proposals / orders / invoices. You are connected to your favorite ERP and you do not want your customer, present, to have a discreet glance on the sensitive information that are the margins? No risk!
This module allows you to very quickly print or save in PDF format the third party informations. You can choose to print name, code, address, phone number, fax, email address, website, siren, siret, naf-ape, rcs / rm, vat number, extrafields, and public and private notes.
Module allows you to have statistics of all your clients, invoices, proposals, orders, categories and warehouse (stock) on forms of diagrams and tables. What has this module : - Diagrams of top 5 clients in invoices, proposals and orders depend on Amount TTC - Diagrams of top products by Amount TTC, Qty, Revenue in Type of invoices, proposals and...
Module allowing to force the filling of the customer ref on the proposal and/or the order and/or the invoice, force the filling of the supplier ref on the order