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The Dolibarr ShippingCosts module...
El módulo PartialReturns para Dolibarr simplifica las devoluciones...
The Dolibarr ShippingCosts module automatically adds shipping costs and their taxes to commercial proposals, orders, and invoices in Dolibarr. This module also provides PDF templates with the addition of shipping costs at the bottom of the page. The name of the shipping cost line can be chosen in the module's configuration (e.g., Shipping costs, Delivery fees, Shipping, etc.).
Disponible el:
Versión del Módulo: auto
Creador/Licencia: Fahd oubenaissa / GPL-v3
Idioma interfaz usuario: Inglés
Ayuda/Soporte: No / foro / mail a [email protected]
Instalación (desde Dolibarr v9+)
Para instalar este módulo (Dolibarr v8-):