PDF Printer: Build & Print PDFs, address & product labels, barcode, Dymo, A4, A5, 100x150 ...



  • Build and print personalized PDF documents and labels
  • All sheet sizes: A4, A5, Avery, Dymo, Datamax, label sheet, label on roll, custom, ...
  • Documents and labels: Product, Third party, Contact, Address, Warehouse, ...

More details

179,99 €

More info

Purchase includes

  365 days of feature and security updates
  365 days of unlimited support for your questions regarding the use of the module and the resolution of technical problems related to the module
  Training and help with module installation (not included)

General informations

Update to v19+: This is a MAJOR Update which requires the creation of document templates before putting it into production
Update to v19+: Please disable and remove the StickyLabels module.
Publisher Cedric Ancelin - Ancode
Help/Support [email protected]
Website Ancode.fr  
Module version auto
Licence AGPL
Module language en fr
Dolibarr auto - auto
PHP 5.4 - 8.x
Documentation Read  


Create personalized documents (or labels) using predefined elements (Text, Paragraph, Barcode, Rectangle, Line, Address), and print them in 2 clicks from compatible pages.

  • Print documents and personalized labels from a Product list, Product card, Product batch, Manufacturing order line, Receipt line, Order line, Invoice line, Proposal line, Shipment line;
  • Calculated variables available: Price by Volume, Price by Weight, Price per Size, ...
  • All properties are accessible, even extrafields: Multi-Barcode, Label, Reference, Weight, Dimensions, Units, ...
Third Party & Contact/Address
  • Print documents and personalized labels from a List, a Card, a Shipment (linked addresses + sender address), an Order, an Invoice, a Proposal;
  • Dedicated “Address” element: To automatically format an address according to the country of the third party or contact;
  • All properties are accessible, even extrafields: Multi-Barcode, Address labels, Sender address labels, all third party/contact property values;
  • Print documents and personalized labels from a Card (location labels, ...);
  • All properties are accessible, even extrafields: Multi-Barcode, Address labels, all warehouse property values;


Url https://demo.dolibarr.ancode.fr
Login demo
Password demodemodemo
Module configuration https://demo.dolibarr.ancode.fr/custom/ancodepdfprinter/admin/about.php


1 Download the archive file of module (module_ancodepdfprinter-auto.zip) from website DoliStore.com
2 Install the module from the Dolibarr external module installer
3 Module is then available and can be activated

Change log

19.4.3 (2024-09-19) Fixed
  • Compatibility with sql_mode ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
  • Minor bug fixes
19.4.2 (2024-09-18) Fixed
  • Multiple bug fixes regarding access rights
19.4.1 (2024-08-24) Fixed
  • TakePOS error
19.4.0 (2024-08-17) Added
  • New element «Image»
  • Print documents from an Order (+Order Lines), a Proposal (+Proposal Lines), an Invoice (+Invoice Lines)
  • New button allowing access to the design of a template from the print form
  • Link/Unlink templates to an object and/or a third-party from a tab on each compatible card
  • Print using a different template for each line
  • Define a default template, a default sheet, and a default orientation for ALL LINES of a commercial card (Proposal, Order, Shipment, Invoice)
  • DOLIBARR 13+: Define a template, a sheet, and an orientation for EACH LINE of a commercial card (Proposal, Order, Shipment, Invoice)
  • New generic variables for commercial cards: CommonObject and CommonLine
  • New search field on the template list
  • Set a custom value to a text or paragraph element from the print form if the element has no value in the template
  • Introducing error messages into the print form
  • New dynamic variable {{Translation::TheTranslationKey}} to use translation keys in text fields
  • Elements no longer automatically use the available remaining height when no value is entered, but only the necessary height
  • A large part of the variables linked to a commercial card are removed. You must now use generic variables CommonObject and CommonLine
  • Complete refactoring of code to procedural, removal of classes and namespaces
  • Abnormal behavior of saving preferences on the print form
  • Fixed a bug where the document generator attempted to generate a disabled element
  • Attempting to generate a document from a template that contains no active elements will generate an empty document rather than an exception error
  • Several bug fixes
19.3.8 (2024-08-12) Fixed
  • Incorrect URL to settings on some installations
19.3.7 (2024-07-23) Fixed
  • SQL error when upgrading to 19.3.+
19.3.6 (2024-07-10) Fixed
  • SQL error when upgrading to 19.3.+
19.3.5 (2024-06-13) Fixed
  • Error generating a document when the module is not installed in the Dolibarr «custom» folder
19.3.4 (2024-06-12) Fixed
  • Error message «Link not defined for the class User»
19.3.3 (2024-06-07) Fixed
  • Incorrect URL on windows server
  • Document not generated when a variable does not exist
19.3.2 (2024-06-02) Fixed
  • Abnormal behavior when changing orientation of a sheet from the print form
19.3.1 (2024-04-08) Added
  • Create templates for Warehouses
  • New URL property for some variables
  • Allow the insertion of several variables and personalized texts in the barcode
  • Bug with 2D barcode dimensions
  • Bug with disabling checkboxes
  • Bug preventing the border of a rectangle from being deactivated
  • Bug preventing templates from downloading
19.3.0 (2024-04-03) Added
  • Management of templates
  • Create templates with the following blocks: text, paragraph, line, rectangle, address, barcode
  • Creation of documents for Products (+list), Manufacturing Order lines, Lots/series, Supplier order lines, Receipt lines, Shipping addresses, Third Parties (+list), Contacts (+list)
  • StickyLabels becomes Ancode PDF Printer
  • Creation of any type of document (not just labels)
  • Sheet management moved to module settings
  • Replaced tabs with a «Print» action button
  • Compatibility from Dolibarr 6 to Dolibarr 19