Nessun prodotto
I prezzi possono variare a seconda del Paese.
Send proposals, orders, or invoices to your customers via Web WhatsApp or Telegram with just one click!
Offer customers a HelloAsso online payment page (credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...)
LoginPlus for Dolibarr allows you to customize the login page and display personalized messages when users log in. It also offers a maintenance mode to carry out maintenance operations on your site and block access to non-administrators.
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Olivier Tourvieille / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: None / Forum / Mail to [email protected]
Install (For Dolibarr v9+:
Install (For Dolibarr v8-):