Auto billing Visualizza ingrandito

Auto billing



Auto billing of customer orders or shipments

Maggiori dettagli

120,00 €


Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Michel Garcia / AGPL
User interface language: English / French
Help/Support: Mail to [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto

After activating the module, in the setup, you can :

  • define type of document to bill (orders or shipments).
  • choice if create on invoice per customer (by grouping documents)
  • define default customer billing condition (you can also define it on customer card)
  • define pdf model to use for invoice
  • define if you don't want create invoice on non-working days
  • define language for invoice
  • define email template to use when sent invoice by email
  • define the sender email
  • define the complementary attribute for customer email (this field is used when no contact is defined as "Contact client facturation commande" in the document to bill. Since Dolibarr 11, you can define a default contact has "Contact client facturation commande")

After configuration, you can configure and activate the scheduled job.