Advanced Widget



This module provides the ability to add advanced and configurable widgets based on the needs and operation of the structure.

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19,99 €

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Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence:  Pablo.L/ Devlandes GPL-v3
User interface language: English, French ,Spanish
Help/Support:   [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto

This module offers the possibility of adding advanced and customizable widgets according to the needs and functioning of the structure.

For now, it includes two widgets:

The priority in shipping customer orders provides the following benefits:

  • It allows you to quickly visualize open customer orders.
  • It provides the possibility to display or deactivate the display of services.
  • It offers the flexibility to sort orders based on the shipping date or the creation date of the order.

Tracking the current and future revenue offers the following features:

  • It allows you to display the invoiced revenue for the selected year.
  • It allows you to view the invoiced revenue for the selected month.
  • It provides an overview of the remaining revenue to be invoiced.
  • It allows you to view the total of unpaid invoices.
  • It offers the possibility to display the revenue generated by the products for the selected year or month.
  • It provides an overview of the remaining revenue to be generated for the selected year.

Moreover, it offers the flexibility to sort calculations based on the shipping date or the creation date of the order, and the possibility to hide the production or invoicing columns.