


Manage your company's risks and create your risk assessment document easily

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216,00 €

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DigiRisk, your software to create your risk assessment document, your legal display and much more...

  • Version : 10.2.1
  • Last update : 31/05/2024
  • Editor : Evarisk
  • Compatibility : Dolibarr 16.0 - 20.0.0
  • License : GPL-V3
  • Available on : Windows - MacOS-Linux
  • ⚠️Prerequisites: The module does not work without the Saturne module available for free here


Installation (From Dolibarr v12+)

  • Go to the Home menu - Configuration - Modules - Deploy an external module and submit the zip
  • The module or theme is then available and activatable.
DigiRisk your software to create your Unique Document, your legal display and much more…
  • 2 risk assessment methods
  • 20 risk categories identified by INRS in ED840.pdf
  • Printing your Unique Document
  • Printing your legal displays
  • The input of the personnel involved in the Single Document process.
  • Your action plan (PAPRIPACT) simply.
  • Multi-company and/or multi-services
  • INRS ED6293 signaling for “Work Unit” sheets
  • Management of prevention plans for external companies with online signature
  • Dematerialized management of your health and safety records at work
  • A public interface to immediately report near misses, serious and imminent dangers and accidents.
  • Accident management and accident investigations

DigiRisk is delivered under the GPLV3 license. Unsupported in this release. However, if you wish to obtain assistance or have your Unique Document made, contact us: DigiRisk.com

To be able to use DigiRisk, you will first need to install the Saturne module for free. DigiRisk does not work without Saturne.


 Purchase includes

  • Updates of the module during 1 year

 Purchase doesn't include

  • Specific development
  • Installation or configuration assistance


Support & Assistance

Module editor


login : demo
password : demo


YouTube Tutorial