Quick editing products services



The module dolibarr "Quick edition of products and services" allows you to edit directly from the list of dolibarr products most of the information. An impressive time saving!

More details

72,00 €

More info

→ Éditor : iouston - www.iouston.com / AGPL

→ Module version :auto

Compatibility : Dolibarr auto auto

→ Language :

→ Technical assistance : per ticket from Monday to Friday

→ Documentation : Available online

→ Demonstration : online, with login : demo and password : demo

→ Detailed description :

  • The module dolibarr quick edition for products and services allows you to edit directly from the screen of the list of products and services of dolibarr the fields of the list.
  • So, very quickly, you can update your products and services, by modifying the price, the wording, the weight, the size, the quantity in stock, and most of the other fields.
  • The products and services edition module is compatible with the customization of lists. The fields you ask to display are also compatible
  • The module for editing products and services online is compatible with the price levels
  • A specific right allows users to authorize to use this module or not.