Intervention consumptions



Adds a "Consumptions" tab on the "Intervention" page, as well as a new pdf template of an intervention sheet. Allows you to create sales proposals or invoices using the products / services added for the intervention in the new tab.

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60,00 €

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Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: LIBRE EXPERT/ AGPL
User interface language: English, French

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto


Installation  :

  • Copy the "interventionconsumption" folder contained in the zip archive, in the "htdocs/custom" directory, then from the Dolibarr modules/applications configuration, activate it.
  • You can assign the consultation and consumption creation permissions to Dolibarr users.
  • It requires that the modules "Interventions", "Services" and "Products" are activated.

Use  :

  • The module adds a "Consumptions" tab on the "Intervention" page, as well as a pdf document template "soleil_intercons" to this one.
  • To add or delete products/services consumptions associated with an intervention, go to the "Consumptions" tab.
  • To generate a pdf document summarizing the intervention and associated consumptions, choose the model "soleil_intercons", it can be set by default from the configuration of the module "Interventions".
  • Creating a commercial proposition from the "Intervention" page will add the associated consumptions as products/services lines to it.
  • In the same way, the creation of an invoice from the "Intervention" page will add the associated consumptions as products/services lines to it.